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The important role of print communications in an increasingly digital world


There is no shying away from the speed of digital advancements as exciting new technologies evolve – but when it comes to planning in the urban environment, print communications is just as important as it ever has been.

Here, Dusan Durdevic, Associate at Urban Thinking, looks into the crucial role print communications plays during any project – and why no developers should overlook it.

Why is print communications so important?

Those who live or work in the vicinity of an urban project have the right to know about the world around them. And it is the job of a responsible developer to ensure they are communicated with effectively.

There are numerous different stakeholders you need to consider in your communications – ranging from residents, businesses and other organisations such as healthcare settings. And none of them should be overlooked.

Developers need to carefully consider who is going to be affected by their plans and ensure no stone is left unturned.

Once you have identified your key stakeholders, then can you consider the best ways to communicate with them.

In today’s world, lots of that is done digitally – but print remains just as important as it always has. Especially when you consider how easy it is to skip past an email from a third-party.

Indeed, print communications can be the most guaranteed way to ensure your materials are put in the hands of the right people.

Door drops

One of the most effective ways to communicate with stakeholders is through door drops. But it isn’t as simple as mass-mailing out hundreds of leaflets.

Local people who feel they have not been effectively engaged with or informed are more likely to make complaints which could have a negative effect on your business.

That’s why at Urban Thinking, we do door drops with a difference. We see it as unacceptable if even one letter fails to reach its destination – and go above and beyond to ensure 100% delivery.

Services we provide range from design and production to logistics and delivery, supporting you every step of the way.

Want to learn more about the importance of stakeholder communications and liaison? Click here to find out more or contact our team on 0333 050 7996.