Urban thinking blog

How to deal with complaints in urban development

Written by Urban Thinking | Aug 23, 2024 10:18:55 AM

No business wants to receive complaints – especially in the world of urban development, when good relations with the public are paramount to keeping a project on track. What a lot of people don’t consider however is the opportunity to turn complaints into a positive opportunity to demonstrate accountability.

Here, we look at the ways you can handle a complaint effectively in a manner that doesn’t just resolve the public’s concern, but ultimately enhances relations for the better.

What is the ultimate aim of complaints management?

There is no denying the need for construction or street works in enabling our communities to grow and thrive. Poorly managed complaints however have the power to grind those works to a halt, whilst also affecting project perception, so it’s important to deal with them effectively.

The key to that is to ensure all complainants are met with respect, are listened to and feel heard, rather than simply being read to from a script as if they were some sort of inconvenience.

Demonstrating your role as an engaged and responsible developer is therefore paramount to smooth day-to-day operations.

Consultations or call centres?

Public consultations and community engagement events can be a great way to quickly and effectively gauge public opinion on a project. But they can just as swiftly become heated or turn into a shouting match if stakeholders don’t receive the correct information in the correct manner.

It is therefore important to put careful consideration into when it is best to utilise them. Ultimately however, the solution we find to be the most effective for our clients at Urban Thinking, is to rethink the traditional approaches, such as call centres, utilising awareness with an empathetic angle.

Our call centres operate in a precise, stakeholder-focused manner. Our expert handlers listen to complaints and treat callers as individuals, rather than simply following standardised processes. This helps show that we take their concerns seriously and ultimately builds respect for our client.

In doing so we maximise the chances of a successful resolution that benefits not only the complainant, but also our client.

In need of support?

Our call handlers are trusted by clients across London and the wider UK to act as representatives for their business, handling stakeholder enquiries with the care and diligence the public should expect.

If you need complaints management support for an upcoming project, contact us today to learn more about how we can help.