Sustainability is becoming increasingly more important to the construction sector.
Developers are under more scrutiny than ever before to ensure their work does not have a detrimental impact on the environment and to find new ways to reduce waste and increase energy efficiency.
Thankfully, construction is a robust, fast-paced and innovative sector, keen to utilise modern construction methods to lower its carbon footprint, reduce waste and to build in a more sustainable way.
To mark World Environment Day on June 5, we look at some of the ways the construction industry is ‘going green’ and how we can help developers drive forward with sustainability.
Construction is one of the oldest industries in the world – we’ve been building for centuries, with buildings getting larger and more complex every decade.
However, the impact the construction sector can have on the environment is something that has only recently become a burning issue.
What we now call ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance - was simply not a thing 30 years ago, and 30 years before that the sector was insulating everything it could with asbestos.
If ever there was a sector that needed to change, it was construction – and it is doing just that.
Today’s construction sector is very different to what it was last century, and even 30 years ago, with successful developers realising that they have a responsibility to protect the environment.
There have been some incredible advancements in building techniques in recent years, more sustainable materials developed and, crucially, new ways to design sustainability into a development from the very start.
Developers now place huge importance on the energy efficiency of the buildings they construct, look to use renewable materials and utilise ways to reduce fuel and energy consumption while they build.
There are few industries that have risen to the environmental challenge quite like the construction sector.
Quite rightly, there have been numerous changes to the laws surrounding construction and the impact it has on the environment over the years.
At Urban Thinking, we support developers to navigate environmental legislation to ensure their projects align with the principles of sustainability.
On top of that, Urban Thinking can help with environmental issues relating to the construction phase – from ensuring dust and noise pollution are limited, to health and safety compliance.
This is a fantastic industry and one that is at the cutting edge of new technologies, innovation and new ways of working.
The sector still has some way to go in terms of sustainability and reducing its impact on the environment - but it’s definitely going in the right direction.
For more information on our environmental impact services, see here.